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Custom Places API

Sygic Authentication API - quick overview

To be able to upload your Custom Places, you need an authentication token from our Auth API. To obtain one, you need your clientID that was provided to you. Custom places are uploaded by a specific clientId on behalf of your application's clientId.

The url which you will be POST-ing is

The body of your request would look like this:

    "client_id": "your_client_id",
    "grant_type": "client_credentials" // do not change this

An access token will be returned in the response, you will need it for the actual Custom Places API calls.


To ensure security, we will provide you with a new clientID which is different from the one that you use in the app. This clientIdD will be used only for uploading Custom Places and will not be used in your app. You need to call the Authentication API with this one. Then in the request body itself it will be necessary to add your app's clientId "on_behalf_of": "your-app-client-id". This will ensure that the places are uploaded for your app."

Custom Places Integrator API

Here we will look at the integrator's part of the Custom Places API. You can find the swagger here. Make sure to choose the "Integrator v2" version in the right top corner.


The swagger also contains schemas for how the JSON should look for Place and Category objects.

Uploading places

To upload places, you will have to call a PUT request with the following:

  • Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_access_token> that you received from the Authentication API
  • Content-Type header with the value application/json
  • body with the JSON of your places


If a new unique id is provided, the place is added. If the id already exists, the place is updated.

Deleting places

To delete places, call a DELETE request with the following:

  • Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_access_token> that you received from the Authentication API
  • body with the JSON containig IDs of places you want to delete along with the "on_behalf_of" key

For example:

    "ids": [
        "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000020e90002", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000020e90003"
    "on_behalf_of": "your-app-client-id"

Adding Custom Place categories

Adding custom place categories is done in a similar way as adding places. You will have to call a POST request to with following parameters:

  • Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_access_token> that you received from the Authentication API
  • Content-Type header with the value application/json
  • body with the JSON of your categories and "on_behalf_of" key

Dumping places and Place categories

As an integrator you can also request a dump of all places or categories that are currently in the database.

  • To retrieve all places, call a GET request with "datasets" and "on_behalf_of" parameters
  • To retrieve all place categories, call a GET request with "datasets" and "on_behalf_of" parameters


Both of the requests only require the Authorization header with the value Bearer <your_access_token> that you received from the Authentication API. If you are using datasets, add a parameter datasets which is a array of datasets separated by | sign to filter results. Also, it is possible that the response will be too large to be sent in one batch. In that case it will be split into multiple batches and contain "prev_page" and "next_page" keys and you will have to call the same request again with the "page_token" parameter.