Links to the API Reference can be found here
19.0.2 (2021-02-17)¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Android: Fix ability to set background behind LanesView
- Android: Limit DownloadManager to 5 simultaneous downloads to avoid frozen or silent dead downloads
- Map: Anchor RoadSign text to the center instead of relying on the text size
- Map: Send already existing dynamic data in map data model to newly added observer
- Map: Synchronize access to dynamic data in camera data model
- Map: Try to find suitable position along the route for Smart Labels
- Navigation: Fix crash in GetRouteProgress
- Routing: EV station preferences are now filtered by POI Brand name instead of external ID
- Routing: Fix parallel call of Route::GetCompleteRoadElements
19.0.1 (2021-02-11)¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Core: Check for HttpDownload ptr validity when fetching it's GroupId
- Map: Add view distance property to view camera to allow smooth transition from "follow gps" to "free" mode
- Map: Correct determination of map specialization
- Map: Fix potential crash in poi attributes
- Map: Keep exclusive access during onMapReady processing
- Map: Make elements in PoI Category configuration file overridable paritially
- Map: Show country names in correct language after MapView is created
- Navigaiton: Dont use invalid position for railwayanalyzer
- Navigation: Change POR reported distance from POI distance to split point distance
- Navigation: Fix crashes when offline and online maps are unloded and loaded again
- Navigation: Fix distance to POR calculation
- Navigation: Fix strange jumps through points while iterating the trajectory
- Online: Ensure updating online map url only when the service is initialized
- Routing: Fix crash when alternatives are disabled but alternative type list is not empty
19.0.0 (2021-02-02)¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Android: Fix adding MapObjects and camera operations with external surface (Android Auto)
- Android: Fix deadlock in destroying SygicContext
- Android: Fix getting bitmaps from assets based on density of map view
- Audio: Don't say empty street name instructions "onto" in pedestrian mode
- iOS: Change SYSchoolZone string to match the other constants in SYIncidentTypes
- map: Fix drawing of scaled texts and markers
- Map: Interpolate lanes with no looping glitches
- Map: Reset map caches after a new map is loaded
- Map: When removing a ClusterLayer from map, reset layer in all markers that are in it immediately
- Navigation: Don't report empty LaneInfo while moving
- Navigation: Dont set internal lanes as forming or ending
- Navigation: Fix Lane Assist on highways with different names
- Navigation: Highlight more lanes in LaneAssist
- Navigation: Read "ninth" instead of "nineth" in English TTS
- Navigation: Show Lane Assist while there are leaving roads
- Position: Correctly reset snapping history
- Position: Fix crash while reloading a map
- Position: Fix freezing vehicle location after great changes of position
- Position: Fix random vehicle rotation interpolation
- Routing: Add missing highway instruction
- Routing: Add waypoint charging station to waypoint list
- Routing: EV routes should now correctly contain charging waypoints.
- Routing: Fix crash when map doesnt have speedprofiles
- Routing: Fix handling of hazardous materials flags
- Routing: Fix TTL func setting
- Routing: Run compute progress once for multipart routes
- Search: Fix possible crash when searching places with no attributes
- Windows: Calculate text area by ceiling the resulting value instead of flooring it
- Android: Add locale support for MapLoader
- Android: Add support for playing PCM sound output into AudioManager
- Android: AudioSettings class is using AutoInitialization
- Android: Change "axels" to "axles" in SygicJsonConfig
- Android: Introduce correctly named methods in LogisticInfoSettings
- Android: Rename heading to course in GeoCourse and CustomPositionUpdater
- Core: Add an option to set the language of MapLoader's content
- DriversBehavior: Remove Android and iOS DriversBehavior interfaces
- iOS: Add locale support for MapLoader
- iOS: Add PCM sound support to SYAudioManager.playOutput
- iOS: Remove duplicated constants SYIncidentInfoType
- iOS: Use correct naming for PowerTypes
- Map: Add localization support to the Map module
- Map: Add option to set custom texture to the SmartLabel showing street names on route
- Map: Change the SYEVStation icon color to green
- Map: Draw restricted roads on the route using specified colors and restriction markers
- Map: Make camera terrain clamping controllable through the skin
- Map: Set default icons for logistic info and route restrictions
- Navigation: Add exit side to HighwayExit notification
- Navigation: Add signal to indicate that an important junction was just passed
- Position: Smooth out gps speed if the position is not snapped
- Routing: Add getter for remaining battery capacity at route waypoints
- Routing: Add route waypoints durations
- Routing: Add EV preferences
- Routing: AETR routing is now available (Legal stops)
- Routing: Remove recompute from Routing
- Routing: Replace old routing module interface with a new one
- Routing: Support json serialization/deserialization for detected route restrictions violations
- Sound: AudioManager::PlayOutput method will ignore the sound redirection
- iOS: SYIncidentInfoType removed, use SYIncidentType instead
- iOS, Android: iOS and Android: AudioManager.playOutput doesn’t cause sound redirection, even if redirection callbacks are set. Redirection callbacks are called only if playback is initiated internally by SDK.
- Navigation: Moved street changed analyzer to the navigation module
- iOS: SYEVPowerTypeC has been renamed to SYEVPowerTypeDC as there was a typo. To migrate your project, replace SYEVPowerTypeC with SYEVPowerTypeDC
- DriversBehavior: The Android and iOS interfaces for DriversBehavior have been removed as the feature will no longer be supported.
- Android: A typo has been fixed in SygicJsonConfig builder, please use trailerAxles and vehicleAxles instead of trailerAxels and vehicleAxels, respectively.
- Android: Heading has been renamed to course in GeoCourse and CustomPositionUpdater to keep the naming unified.
- Android: AudioSettings.getInstance method was removed because it was ignoring the SDK initialization and caused random runtime crashes. Use AudioSettingsProvider to obtain AudioSettings safely
- Navigation: Lane highlighting is now available for each lane symbol in each lane
- Routing: - Java methods onRecomputeStarted and onRecomputeFinished of RouteComputeListener were removed.
To migrate your code, use the OnRouteRecomputeProgressListener in NavigationManager.
- iOS delegate method routing:didStartRouteRecompute and routing:didFinishRouteRecompute of SYRoutingDelegate were removed. To migrate your code, use navigation:didUpdateRecomputeProgress:withStatus: in SYNavigationDelegate.
- iOS method recomputeRoute: of SYRouting was removed.