Links to the API Reference can be found here
24.3.1 (2023-11-14)¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Core: Fix maps loading properly after resumed installation with content security enabled mode
- Map: Show weight restrictions as metric tonnes outside of the USA
- Routing: Reintroduce vehicle weight to routing logic
24.3.0 (2023-09-27)¶
Bug Fixes¶
- Android: Synchronize filling Map Places
- iOS: Fix position freeze while app in background
- Map: Allow neighbour cells invalidation when map is reloaded by not storing their contexts
- Map: Check if string offsets are in bounds of file size
- Map: Return correctly converted special speed restrictions in kph for countries using imperial units
- Navigation: Change "Spure" to "Spuren" in German TTS voice
- Navigation: Fix crash while logging invalid connectivity
- Position: Fix crashes during sdk deinitialization
- Routing: Fix crash if routetrace has invalid route or routing service is unavailable
- Routing: Fix unreasonable EV detours
- Routing: Fix waypoint passed flag when deserializing from json
- Routing: Remove crash related to search POIs
- Map: Install map bundle improvements