
open class MapView : NativeMethodsReceiver

A class used by an application to display a map.


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annotation class CountrySignage
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interface DataReadyListener : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener
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annotation class DataState
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interface GeoCoordinateToScreenPointCallback
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enum InjectSkinResult
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interface InjectSkinResultListener
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abstract class MapDataModel
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annotation class MapLayerCategory
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interface OnInitListener : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener
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annotation class SpeedUnits
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open class State : Parcelable
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annotation class WarningsType


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open fun addClusterLayer(cluster: ClusterLayer): Boolean
Add cluster of markers to map.
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open fun addDataReadyListener(listener: MapView.DataReadyListener)
open fun addDataReadyListener(listener: MapView.DataReadyListener, @Nullable executor: Executor)
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open fun addEglCallback(@NonNull callback: GlSurfaceListener.EglCallback)
Adds callback for underlying OpenGL calls of swap buffers.
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open fun addMapGestureListener(listener: MapGesturesDetector.MapGestureListener)
Adds the map gesture listener.
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open fun addValidityListener(listener: MapValidityListener)
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open fun calculateFromMapRectangle(    @NonNull mapRectangle: MapRectangle,     @NonNull mapCenter: MapCenter,     @FloatRange(from = "-180.0", to = 180.0) rotation: Float,     tilt: Float,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = Float.MAX_VALUE) maxZoomLevel: Float): CameraState.PositionOrientation
Calculates CameraState.
open fun calculateFromMapRectangle(    @NonNull mapRectangle: MapRectangle,     @NonNull mapCenter: MapCenter,     @FloatRange(from = "-180.0", to = 180.0) rotation: Float,     tilt: Float,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = Float.MAX_VALUE) maxZoomLevel: Float,     @Nullable sourceState: CameraState): CameraState
Calculates CameraState to animate Camera with, given mapRectangle and camera states
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open fun enableRendering(enable: Boolean)
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open fun geoCoordinatesFromPoint(x: Int, y: Int): GeoCoordinates
Returns geo coordinates of the point on the map regarding of screen coordinates.
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open fun geoCoordinatesFromPoints(@NonNull points: List<Point>): List<GeoCoordinates>
Returns geo coordinates of the points on the map regarding of screen coordinates.
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open fun getActiveSkins(): List<String>
Returns list of names of skins which are set for current map.
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open fun getAvailableSkins(): List<String>
Returns list of names of available skins.
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open fun getBreadCrumbs(): BreadCrumbs
Returns the BreadCrumbs
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open fun getCameraModel(): Camera.CameraModel
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open fun getFpsLimit(): FpsConfig
Get current FPS limit
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open fun getHeight(): Int
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open fun getMapDataModel(): MapView.MapDataModel
Returns MapDataModel backing up the MapView
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open fun getMinMaxZoomLevel(): Pair<Float, Float>
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open fun getPositionIndicator(): PositionIndicator
Returns the PositionIndicator.
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fun getScaling(): LowGL.ViewScaling
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open fun getView(): View
Returns object represents display surface for OpenGL rendering It may be android.view.SurfaceView or android.view.TextureView, depends on surface type while creating fragment
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open fun getWarningsTypeVisibilityInternal(type: Int): Boolean
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open fun getWidth(): Int
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open fun injectSkinDefinition(@NonNull definition: String, @NonNull listener: MapView.InjectSkinResultListener)
open fun injectSkinDefinition(    @NonNull definition: String,     @NonNull listener: MapView.InjectSkinResultListener,     @Nullable executor: Executor)
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open fun isValid(): Boolean
Checks if Mapview is valid.
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open fun removeClusterLayer(cluster: ClusterLayer): Boolean
Remove cluster of markers from map
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open fun removeDataReadyListener(listener: MapView.DataReadyListener)
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open fun removeEglCallback(@NonNull callback: GlSurfaceListener.EglCallback)
Removes callback for underlying OpenGL calls of swap buffers.
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open fun removeMapGestureListener(listener: MapGesturesDetector.MapGestureListener): Boolean
Removes the map gesture listener.
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open fun removeValidityListener(listener: MapValidityListener)
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open fun requestObjectsAtPoint(    x: Float,     y: Float,     callback: RequestObjectCallback): Int
Requests the information about point on map
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open fun scaleScreenToView(value: Float): Float
open fun scaleScreenToView(value: Int): Int
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open fun screenPointsFromGeoCoordinates(@NonNull geoCoordinates: List<GeoCoordinates>): List<Point>
Returns geo coordinates of the point on the map regarding of screen coordinates.
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open fun setFpsLimit(fpsConfig: FpsConfig)
Set custom FPS limit for rendering
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open fun setIncidentWarningSettings(@NonNull settings: IncidentWarningSettings)
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open fun setIncidentWarningSettingsInternal(@Nullable settings: IncidentWarningSettings)
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open fun setLogisticInfoSettings(@NonNull settings: LogisticInfoSettings)
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open fun setMapLanguage(@NonNull locale: Locale)
Sets the language for map This will affect language of displayed names on map
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open fun setMapLanguageInternal(@NonNull locale: Locale)
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open fun setMapLayerCategoryVisibility(category: Int, enable: Boolean)
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open fun setMapLayerCategoryVisibilityInternal(category: Int, enable: Boolean)
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open fun setMapSpeedUnits(units: Int)
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open fun setMapSpeedUnitsInternal(units: Int)
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open fun setMapWarningSettings(@NonNull settings: MapWarningSettings)
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open fun setMapWarningSettingsInternal(@Nullable settings: MapWarningSettings)
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open fun setPixelFormat(pixelFormat: Int)
Change pixel format for underlying GL surface.
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open fun setRouteRestrictionSettings(@NonNull settings: RouteRestrictionSettings)
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open fun setTrafficSignFormSettings(@NonNull settings: TrafficSignFormSettings)
Sets custom visual settings for traffic sign form
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open fun setTrafficSignSettings(@NonNull settings: TrafficSignSettings)
Sets custom visual settings for traffic sign for specific world region
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open fun setWarningsTypeVisibilityInternal(type: Int, enable: Boolean)
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open fun setZOrderMediaOverlay(isMediaOverlay: Boolean)
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open fun setZOrderOnTop(isOnTop: Boolean)