
open class SimpleBitmapFactory : BitmapFactory


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open fun SimpleBitmapFactory(bitmap: Bitmap)


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open fun createBitmap(@NonNull context: Context): Bitmap
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open fun describeContents(): Int
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fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun equalsInternal(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun getBitmap(@NonNull context: Context): Bitmap
open fun getBitmap(@NonNull context: Context, scaling: LowGL.ViewScaling): Bitmap
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fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun hashCodeInternal(): Int
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open fun recycle()
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open fun update(    @NonNull context: Context,     @NonNull scaling: LowGL.ViewScaling,     bitmap: Bitmap)
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open fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)


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val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<SimpleBitmapFactory>