
open class Route : BaseNativeParcelable

Collection of maneuvers and roadElements connecting two or more waypoints. Waypoints may be thought of as the input to a route calculation whereas maneuvers are the results of calculating a route.


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open fun describeContents(): Int
For documentation, see android.os.Parcelable.
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open fun deserializeFromFullJSON(@NonNull json: String): Route
Deserialize route from json generated with serializeToFullJSON.
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open fun destroy()
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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun getBoundingBox(): GeoBoundingBox
The smallest GeoBoundingBox that contains the entire route.
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open fun getDestination(): Waypoint
Returns the destination waypoint of the route
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open fun getManeuvers(): List<RouteManeuver>
Returns an array of directions for current route object from start.
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open fun getNativeRouteCountForHandle(): Int
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open fun getPolylinesFromRouteSegments(routeSegments: List<RouteSegment>): List<GeoPolyline>
Returns list of GeoPolylines representing route segments
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open fun getRouteElements(@NonNull listener: RouteElementsListener)

open fun getRouteElements(@NonNull listener: RouteElementsListener, @Nullable executor: Executor)
Returns a list of RouteElement objects for current route object from start.
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open fun getRouteGeometry(): List<GeoCoordinates>
Returns list of coordinates representing route geometry
open fun getRouteGeometry(withAltitude: Boolean, @NonNull listener: GeometryListener)
open fun getRouteGeometry(    withAltitude: Boolean,     @NonNull listener: GeometryListener,     @Nullable executor: Executor)
Returns geometry with altitude of route.
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open fun getRouteId(): Int
Returns the unique id identifies the route.
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open fun getRouteInfo(): RouteInfo
Returns basic route info.
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open fun getRouteRequest(): RouteRequest
Returns options used for computing this route.
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open fun getRouteViolatedAvoidOptions(): RouteViolatedAvoidOptions
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open fun getRouteWarnings(@NonNull listener: RouteWarningsListener)
open fun getRouteWarnings(@NonNull listener: RouteWarningsListener, @Nullable executor: Executor)
Returns a list of RouteWarning warnings, which occurred during route calculation.
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open fun getStart(): Waypoint
Returns the starting waypoint of the route
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open fun getTransitCountries(): List<String>
Returns list of countries route is passing by
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open fun getTransitCountriesInfo(@NonNull listener: TransitCountriesInfoListener)
open fun getTransitCountriesInfo(@NonNull listener: TransitCountriesInfoListener, @Nullable executor: Executor)
Retrieves list of countries route is passing by with regions, if available
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open fun getWaypoints(): List<Waypoint>
List of Waypoints on the route including starting point and destination.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isValidParcelable(): Boolean
If object after recreate from parcel contains all of reference like original object method return true.
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open fun serializeToBriefJSON(): String
Serialize the route to a JSON string.
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open fun serializeToFullJSON(): String
Serialize the route to a JSON string.
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open fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)
For documentation, see android.os.Parcelable.writeToParcel().


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val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<Route>