
data class TruckAidInfo : Parcelable

Class containing information about future restrictions on or in vicinity of route


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enum RestrictionType : Enum<TruckAidInfo.RestrictionType> , Parcelable
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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val distanceToManeuver: Int
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val distanceToProhibitedElement: Int
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val importance: TruckAidInfo.TruckAidImportance
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val iso: String
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val junctionIndex: Int
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val maneuverPosition: GeoCoordinates
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val restrictedRoad: Boolean
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val restrictionPosition: GeoCoordinates
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val restrictionType: TruckAidInfo.RestrictionType
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val restrictionValue: Int
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val turnClassification: TruckAidInfo.TurnClassification