
open class Waypoint : BaseNativeParcelable

Waypoints define a route's stopovers, including its start point it's destination point and any points in between.


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annotation class Status
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annotation class Type


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open fun describeContents(): Int
For documentation, see android.os.Parcelable.
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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun getDelay(): Long
Returns the time spent at waypoint.
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open fun getDistanceFromStart(): Int
Returns the waypoint's distance from the start position
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open fun getMappedPositions(): List<GeoCoordinates>
List of GeoCoordinatess which represets accessible positions of waypoint.
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open fun getNavigablePosition(): GeoCoordinates
Represents the suggested navigable position of the Waypoint - typically the coordinates on the road closest to the original position - to be used in a route calculation.
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open fun getOriginalPosition(): GeoCoordinates
Returns the original position for flag/pin.
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open fun getPayload(): String
Returns custom name of the waypoint.
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open fun getSelectedPosition(): GeoCoordinates
Represents the selected position of the Waypoint - one of the access points of waypoint.
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open fun getStatus(): Int
Returns the waypoint Status.
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open fun getType(): Int
Returns the waypoint Type.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isValidParcelable(): Boolean
If object after recreate from parcel contains all of reference like original object method return true.
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open fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)
For documentation, see android.os.Parcelable.


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val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<Waypoint>


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