
class BreadCrumbs : NativeMethodsReceiver

Class for logging and displaying location history inside of a map view.


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object Companion
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enum Visibility : Enum<BreadCrumbs.Visibility>


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open fun <T : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener> callMethod(clazz: Class<T>, callback: NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeCallback<T>)
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fun clear()

Clear the location history.

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fun destroy()
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open fun <T : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener> getListeners(clazz: Class<T>): MutableMap<T, Executor>
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fun init(nativeRef: Long)
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fun isValid(): Boolean
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fun onRestoreInstance(inState: Bundle?)
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fun onSaveInstance(outState: Bundle)
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open fun <T : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener> register(clazz: Class<T>, listener: T): Int
open fun <T : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener> register(    clazz: Class<T>,     listener: T,     @Nullable executor: Executor?): Int
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fun setVisibility(state: BreadCrumbs.Visibility)

Sets the visibility of the breadcrumbs.

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open fun size(): Int
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fun start()

Start the location logging.

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fun stop()

Stop the location logging.

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open fun <T : NativeMethodsReceiver.NativeListener> unregister(clazz: Class<T>, listener: T): Int