
abstract class MapDataModel


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abstract fun addClusterLayer(@NonNull cluster: ClusterLayer): Boolean
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open fun addMapObject(@NonNull object: MapObject): Boolean
Adds specified map object on map.
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open fun getMapObjects(): Set<MapObject>
Returns unmodifiable set of map objects placed into the map
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abstract fun getPositionIndicatorAccuracyColor(): Int
Returns the color of the accuracy indicator circle.
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abstract fun getPositionIndicatorRotation(): Int
Gets the Indicator rotation mode.
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abstract fun getPositionIndicatorType(): Int
Gets the Indicator type.
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abstract fun isPositionIndicatorAccuracyVisible(): Boolean
Indicates whether the accuracy indicator circle is visible.
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abstract fun isPositionIndicatorVisible(): Boolean
Indicates whether the vehicle is visible.
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abstract fun isWarningsTypeVisible(type: Int): Boolean
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abstract fun removeClusterLayer(@NonNull cluster: ClusterLayer): Boolean
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open fun removeMapObject(@NonNull object: MapObject): Boolean
Removes specified map object from map.
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abstract fun setIncidentWarningSettings(@NonNull settings: IncidentWarningSettings): Boolean
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abstract fun setMapLanguage(@NonNull locale: Locale): Boolean
Sets the language for map This will affect language of displayed names on map
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abstract fun setMapLayerCategoryVisibility(category: Int, enable: Boolean): Boolean
Toggles the visibility of items from MapLayerCategory list on map
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abstract fun setMapSpeedUnits(units: Int): Boolean
Sets the speed units in which the speed values should be displayed on map
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abstract fun setMapWarningSettings(@NonNull settings: MapWarningSettings): Boolean
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abstract fun setPositionIndicatorAccuracyColor(@ColorInt color: Int): Boolean
Sets the color of the accuracy indicator circle.
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abstract fun setPositionIndicatorAccuracyVisible(visible: Boolean): Boolean
Sets the accuracy indicator circle visibility.
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abstract fun setPositionIndicatorRotation(type: Int): Boolean
Sets the Indicator type.
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abstract fun setPositionIndicatorType(type: Int): Boolean
Sets the Indicator type.
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abstract fun setPositionIndicatorVisible(visible: Boolean): Boolean
Sets the vehicle visible.
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abstract fun setSkin(@NonNull skinConfiguration: List<String>)
Sets the map skin.
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abstract fun setTrafficSignSettings(@NonNull settings: TrafficSignSettings): Boolean
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abstract fun setWarningsTypeVisibility(type: Int, enable: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun updateMapObject(object: MapObject): Boolean


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