
open class LogisticInfoSettings


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annotation class IconType
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annotation class LogisticAttribute
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annotation class VehicleType


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open fun getAxlesCount(): Int
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open fun getAxleWeight(): Int
Returns weight per axle in kg
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open fun getCongestionCharge(): Int
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open fun getDirectionInTime(): Int
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open fun getEnvironmentalZone(): Int
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open fun getExtremeAxleLength(): Int
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open fun getHazmatSettings(): HazmatSettings
Get current hazmat cargo options
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open fun getKingpinToEnd(): Int
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open fun getKingpinToLastAxle(): Int
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open fun getKingpinToMiddle(): Int
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open fun getLowEmissionZone(): Int
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open fun getMaximumHeight(): Int
Returns maximum vehicle height in mm
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open fun getNoThroughTraffic(): Int
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open fun getOvertaking(): Int
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open fun getPreferedRoutet(): Int
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open fun getPreferredRoute(): Int
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open fun getSpecialSpeedRestriction(): Int
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open fun getSpeedRestriction(): Int
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open fun getSpeedRestrictionUM(): Int
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open fun getTandemWeight(): Int
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open fun getTollCost(): Int
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open fun getTotalVehicleLength(): Int
Returns total vehicle length in mm
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open fun getTractorLength(): Int
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open fun getTrailerLength(): Int
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open fun getTrailersCount(): Int
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open fun getTridemWeight(): Int
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open fun getUnloadedVehicleWeight(): Int
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open fun getVehicleType(): Int
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open fun getVehicleWeight(): Int
Returns gross vehicle weight in kg
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open fun getVehicleWidth(): Int
Returns vehicle width in mm
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open fun setAxlesCount(axlesCount: Int)
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open fun setAxleWeight(weight: Int)
Sets weight per axle in kg
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open fun setCongestionCharge(congestionCharge: Int)
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open fun setDirectionInTime(directionInTime: Int)
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open fun setEnvironmentalZone(environmentalZone: Int)
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open fun setExtremeAxleLength(extremeAxleLength: Int)
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open fun setHazmatSettings(@NonNull settings: HazmatSettings)
Set hazmat cargo options
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open fun setKingpinToEnd(kingpinToEnd: Int)
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open fun setKingpinToLastAxle(kingpinToLastAxle: Int)
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open fun setKingpinToMiddle(kingpinToMiddle: Int)
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open fun setLogisticRestrictionImage(@NonNull config: RestrictionImage.Config, @NonNull image: RestrictionImage)
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open fun setLowEmissionZone(lowEmissionZone: Int)
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open fun setMaximumHeight(height: Int)
Sets maximum vehicle height in mm
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open fun setNoThroughTraffic(noThroughTraffic: Int)
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open fun setOvertaking(overtaking: Int)
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open fun setPreferedRoute(preferedRoute: Int)
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open fun setPreferredRoute(preferredRoute: Int)
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open fun setSpecialSpeedRestriction(specialSpeedRestriction: Int)
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open fun setSpeedRestriction(speedRestriction: Int)
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open fun setSpeedRestrictionUM(speedRestrictionUM: Int)
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open fun setTandemWeight(tandemWeight: Int)
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open fun setTollCost(tollCost: Int)
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open fun setTotalVehicleLength(length: Int)
Sets total vehicle length in mm
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open fun setTractorLength(tractorLength: Int)
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open fun setTrailerLength(trailerLength: Int)
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open fun setTrailersCount(trailersCount: Int)
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open fun setTridemWeight(tridemWeight: Int)
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open fun setUnloadedVehicleWeight(unloadedVehicleWeight: Int)
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open fun setVehicleType(vehicleType: Int)
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open fun setVehicleWeight(weight: Int)
Sets gross vehicle weight in kg
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open fun setVehicleWidth(width: Int)
Sets vehicle width in mm