
interface MapGestureListener


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abstract fun onDoubleTap(e: MotionEvent, isTwoFingers: Boolean): Boolean
Notified when a double-tap occurs.
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abstract fun onMapClicked(e: MotionEvent, isTwoFingers: Boolean): Boolean
Notified when a single-tap occurs.
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abstract fun onMapFling(velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float): Boolean
Notified of a fling event when it occurs.
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abstract fun onMapLongClicked(e: MotionEvent): Boolean
Notified when a long click occurs.
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abstract fun onMapMove(    e1: MotionEvent,     e2: MotionEvent,     distanceX: Float,     distanceY: Float): Boolean
Notified when a move occurs with the initial on down MotionEvent and the current move MotionEvent.
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abstract fun onMapMoveDone(): Boolean
Notified when a move is finished.
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abstract fun onRotation(detector: MapGesturesDetector)
Responds to rotation events for a gesture in progress.
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abstract fun onRotationBegin(detector: MapGesturesDetector): Boolean
Responds to the beginning of a rotation gesture.
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abstract fun onRotationEnd(detector: MapGesturesDetector)
Responds to the end of a rotation gesture.
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abstract fun onScale(detector: MapGesturesDetector): Boolean
Responds to scaling events for a gesture in progress.
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abstract fun onScaleBegin(detector: MapGesturesDetector): Boolean
Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture.
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abstract fun onScaleEnd(detector: MapGesturesDetector, scaleVelocity: Float)
Responds to the end of a scale gesture.
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abstract fun onTilt(detector: MapGesturesDetector)
Responds to tilt events for a gesture in progress.
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abstract fun onTiltBegin(detector: MapGesturesDetector): Boolean
Responds to the beginning of a tilt gesture.
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abstract fun onTiltEnd(detector: MapGesturesDetector)
Responds to the end of a tilt gesture.


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