
data class AETRProfile(    val filters: List<String> = listOf("SYPetrolStation"),     val searchRadius: Int = 50,     val legalStopsStandard: AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard = LegalStopsStandard.Default,     val currentTime: Int = 0,     val fortnightDrivingTime: Int = 0,     val weeklyDrivingTime: Int = 0,     val dailyDrivingTime: Int = 0,     val currentDrivingTime: Int = 0,     val lastWeeklyRestTimestamp: Int = 0,     val lastDailyRestTimestamp: Int = 0,     val usedExtendedDrivingPeriod: Int = 0,     val usedShortenedDailyRestPeriod: Int = 0,     val lastWeeklyRestTaken: AETRProfile.LastWeeklyRestTaken = LastWeeklyRestTaken.None) : Parcelable


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fun AETRProfile(    filters: List<String> = listOf("SYPetrolStation"),     searchRadius: Int = 50,     legalStopsStandard: AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard = LegalStopsStandard.Default,     currentTime: Int = 0,     fortnightDrivingTime: Int = 0,     weeklyDrivingTime: Int = 0,     dailyDrivingTime: Int = 0,     currentDrivingTime: Int = 0,     lastWeeklyRestTimestamp: Int = 0,     lastDailyRestTimestamp: Int = 0,     usedExtendedDrivingPeriod: Int = 0,     usedShortenedDailyRestPeriod: Int = 0,     lastWeeklyRestTaken: AETRProfile.LastWeeklyRestTaken = LastWeeklyRestTaken.None)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val currentDrivingTime: Int = 0

Uninterrupted driving time in seconds

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val currentTime: Int = 0

Current time relative to two week period in seconds

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val dailyDrivingTime: Int = 0

Driving time since last daily rest in seconds

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val filters: List<String>

Filter of POI categories

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val fortnightDrivingTime: Int = 0

Two week driving period in seconds

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val lastDailyRestTimestamp: Int = 0

Time when last daily rest was taken relative to two week period; < currentTime; in seconds

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Last type of used weekly rest (None, Long - more than 45 hours, Short - 24 hours)

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val lastWeeklyRestTimestamp: Int = 0

Time when last weekly rest was taken relative to two week period; < currentTime; in seconds

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val legalStopsStandard: AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard

Legal stops standard (Default - 45 minutes break every 4.5 hours, AETR or ES 561/2006)

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val searchRadius: Int = 50

Search radius in meters

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val usedExtendedDrivingPeriod: Int = 0

Used periods when driving 9h

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val usedShortenedDailyRestPeriod: Int = 0

Used periods when rest was < 9h

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val weeklyDrivingTime: Int = 0

Weekly driving period in seconds