data class AETRProfile( val filters: List<String> = listOf("SYPetrolStation"), val searchRadius: Int = 50, val legalStopsStandard: AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard = LegalStopsStandard.Default, val currentTime: Int = 0, val fortnightDrivingTime: Int = 0, val weeklyDrivingTime: Int = 0, val dailyDrivingTime: Int = 0, val currentDrivingTime: Int = 0, val lastWeeklyRestTimestamp: Int = 0, val lastDailyRestTimestamp: Int = 0, val usedExtendedDrivingPeriod: Int = 0, val usedShortenedDailyRestPeriod: Int = 0, val lastWeeklyRestTaken: AETRProfile.LastWeeklyRestTaken = LastWeeklyRestTaken.None) : Parcelable
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fun AETRProfile( filters: List<String> = listOf("SYPetrolStation"), searchRadius: Int = 50, legalStopsStandard: AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard = LegalStopsStandard.Default, currentTime: Int = 0, fortnightDrivingTime: Int = 0, weeklyDrivingTime: Int = 0, dailyDrivingTime: Int = 0, currentDrivingTime: Int = 0, lastWeeklyRestTimestamp: Int = 0, lastDailyRestTimestamp: Int = 0, usedExtendedDrivingPeriod: Int = 0, usedShortenedDailyRestPeriod: Int = 0, lastWeeklyRestTaken: AETRProfile.LastWeeklyRestTaken = LastWeeklyRestTaken.None)
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enum LastWeeklyRestTaken : Enum<AETRProfile.LastWeeklyRestTaken> , Parcelable
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enum LegalStopsStandard : Enum<AETRProfile.LegalStopsStandard> , Parcelable
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