
class Builder : ViewObjectDataBuilder<B, I, D>


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open fun Builder(@NonNull route: Route, creator: ObjectCreator<MapSmartLabel, SmartLabelData>)


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fun build(): I
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open fun setAnchorOffset(x: Float, y: Float): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set the relative position of MapSmartLabel from its anchored location Value 0,0 is top left location, 1,1 is bottom right Default value is 0.0,0.
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open fun setClickableArea(    left: Int,     top: Int,     rigth: Int,     bottom: Int): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set clickable area defined by margins from image edges
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open fun setForcedSize(x: Int, y: Int): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set forced size of a label in pixels
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open fun setHorizontalMirroringEnabled(horizontalMirroringEnabled: Boolean): SmartLabelData.Builder
Enable/disable label background to be mirrored horizontally
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open fun setImageBitmap(@NonNull imageBitmap: BitmapFactory): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set image of the smart label
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open fun setMaxImageSize(x: Int, y: Int): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set maximum image size in pixels
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open fun setMaxTextSize(x: Int, y: Int): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set maximum text size in pixels
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open fun setMaxZoomLevel(maxZoomLevel: Float): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set maximum zoom level for displaying the marker
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open fun setMinZoomLevel(minZoomLevel: Float): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set minimum zoom level for displaying the marker
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open fun setStyleBitmap(@NonNull styleBitmap: BitmapFactory): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set background of the smart label.
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open fun setText(@NonNull text: StyledText): SmartLabelData.Builder
Set the text to be displayed inside label
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open fun setVerticalMirroringEnabled(verticalMirroringEnabled: Boolean): SmartLabelData.Builder
Enable/disable label background to be mirrored vertically
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fun setZIndex(zIndex: Int): B
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fun withPayload(@NonNull payload: Parcelable): B