
data class ConsumptionData @JvmOverloads constructor(var consumptionCurve: Map<Double, Double> = emptyMap(), var weightFactors: Map<Double, Double> = emptyMap()) : Parcelable


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fun ConsumptionData(consumptionCurve: Map<Double, Double> = emptyMap(), weightFactors: Map<Double, Double> = emptyMap())


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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map of curve points. Represents battery or combustion engine consumption at the given vehicle speed. key - Vehicle speed in km/h, for which the consumption value is valid. value

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map of points. Specifies how quickly the battery discharges or combustion engine consumption changes depending of the vehicle speed. key - Weights in kg value - Factors modifying the consumption at given weights (dimensionless), could be positive or negative Must contain at least one value, otherwise will be ignored Must be sorted from lowest to highest values To predict the values inside the specified range, interpolation between the closest points will be used. To predict the values outside the specified range, the closest specified value will be used.