Enumerator |
Explosives | Class 1 (Explosives) U.S only
FlammableGases | Class 2 (Flammable, compressed and poisonous gases) U.S only
FlammableLiquids | Class 3 (Flammable and compressed liquids) U.S only
FlammableSolids | Class 4 (Flammable solids, spontaneously combustible materials and water reactive substances) U.S only
Oxidizers | Class 5 (Oxidizers and organic peroxides) U.S only
Poisonous | Class 6 (Poisonous {toxic} and infectious substances) U.S only
Radioactive | Class 7 (Radioactive Materials) U.S only
Corrosive | Class 8 (Corrosive Materials) U.S only
Hazardous | Class 9 (Misc Hazardous Materials) U.S only
InhalationHazards | Class I (Poisonous Inhalation Hazards) U.S only
General | General hazardous materials
Explosive | Explosive materials
HarmfulToWater | Goods harmful to water
Agriculture | (do not use) Agriculture load restriction
Coal | (do not use) Coal load
Building | (do not use) Building Materials load
SanitaryVaste | (do not use) Sanitary waste load
SandAndGravel | (do not use) Sand and Gravel
Commodity | (do not use) Commodity load
NaturalResources | (do not use) Natural Resources