◆ IdMenuViewRoute

enum IdMenuViewRoute

IdMenuViewRoute enum contains list of actions (buttons) in View route menu accessibles by

OnMenuCommand function.

IdMenuViewRoute enum items are used as nSubID parameter in OnMenuCommand function.


OnViewRouteInstructions subID displays shape and position of all junctions and also distance to it.

OnViewRouteInstructions subID calls the same function like clicking Show route instructions button in View route menu.


OnViewRouteImages subID displays all junctions as images.

OnViewRouteImages subID calls the same function like clicking Show route as images button in View route menu.


OnViewRouteShowOnMap subID displays computed route on browse map.

OnViewRouteShowOnMap subID calls the same function like clicking Show route instructions button in View route menu.


OnViewRouteDemonstration subID displays dialog enabling user to run and control demonstration of computed route.

OnViewRouteDemonstration subID calls the same function like clicking Show route demo button in View route menu.


OnViewRouteSummary subID displays computed route on browse map and also displays total distance, estimation time of arrival and time left.

OnViewRouteSummary subID calls the same function like clicking Show route summary button in View route menu.


OnViewRouteCancel subID cancels computed route.

OnViewRouteCancel subID calls the same function like clicking Cancel route button in View route menu.