SYBetterRoute Class Reference

Provides information about better alternative calculated route. More...

#import <SYNavigationBetterRouteInfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for SYBetterRoute:
Collaboration diagram for SYBetterRoute:


NSTimeInterval timeDiff
 Time difference in seconds between new alternative route and the base route. More...
SYDistance lengthDiff
 Length difference in meters between new alternative route and the base route. More...
SYDistance splitDistance
 Distance in meters from base route start position to point, where alternative route splits. More...
 Geo boundary created with split point and merge point of base route and alternative route. More...
 Position of the point where alternative route splits the base route. More...
- Properties inherited from SYRoute
 Basic route info. More...
NSArray< SYManeuver * > * maneuvers
 The SYManeuvers on the route. More...
NSArray< SYCountryIso * > * transitCountries
 Returns route's transit countries iso codes. More...
 The routing options violation for both global route options and per-country options. More...
 The original SYRouteRequest with which was route computed. More...
 The smallest SYGeoBoundingBox that contains the entire route. More...
NSArray< SYWaypoint * > * waypoints
 List of SYWaypoints on the route. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SYRoute
typedef void(^ SYRouteGeometryGetterComplectionBlock) (NSArray< SYGeoCoordinate * > *_Nullable geometry)
 Type of completion block for asynchronous getting of geometries with altitude. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from SYRoute
(nonnull NSSet< NSNumber * > *) - availableAvoidsInCountry:
 Returns set of road avoids available in specified country. More...
(SYEVProfile *profile) - __deprecated_msg
 The original SYEVProfile with which was route computed. Set only for EV route. More...
(SYRoutingOptions *options) - __deprecated_msg
 The routing options. Check the available SYRoutingOptions. More...
(void) - getRouteElementsWithCompletion:
 The SYRouteElements on the route. More...
(void) - getRouteGeometryWithAltitude:completion:
 Provides an array of coordinates (with or without altitude) representing the geometry of the route through completion block. More...
("use getRouteGeometryWithAltitude instead.") - __deprecated_msg
 Returns an array of coordinates representing the geometry of the route. More...
(nullable NSArray< SYGeoPolyline * > *) - getPolylinesFromRouteSegments:
 Converts an array of SYRouteSegment to the array of SYGeoPolyline. More...

Detailed Description

Provides information about better alternative calculated route.

Property Documentation

◆ timeDiff

- (NSTimeInterval) timeDiff

Time difference in seconds between new alternative route and the base route.

◆ lengthDiff

- (SYDistance) lengthDiff

Length difference in meters between new alternative route and the base route.

◆ splitDistance

- (SYDistance) splitDistance

Distance in meters from base route start position to point, where alternative route splits.

◆ detourAreaboundary

- (SYGeoBoundingBox*) detourAreaboundary

Geo boundary created with split point and merge point of base route and alternative route.

◆ splitPoint

- (SYGeoCoordinate*) splitPoint

Position of the point where alternative route splits the base route.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: