SYTrajectory Class Reference

The Trajectory interface. Provides method(s) for iterating through the points on it. More...

#import <SYTrajectory.h>

Inheritance diagram for SYTrajectory:
Collaboration diagram for SYTrajectory:

Instance Methods

((unavailable("Use +[SYTrajectoryManager createTrajectoryWithCompletion:] instead.") - __attribute__
(nullable SYTrajectoryPoint *) - advance
 Advances to and returns the next [SYTrajectoryPoint]. Returns null if the end of the Trajectory has been reached. More...

Class Methods

((unavailable("Use +[SYTrajectoryManager createTrajectoryWithCompletion:] instead.") + __attribute__

Detailed Description

The Trajectory interface. Provides method(s) for iterating through the points on it.

Method Documentation

◆ __attribute__ [1/2]

- ((unavailable("Use +[SYTrajectoryManager) createTrajectoryWithCompletion:

◆ __attribute__ [2/2]

+ ((unavailable("Use +[SYTrajectoryManager) createTrajectoryWithCompletion:

◆ advance

- (nullable SYTrajectoryPoint*) advance

Advances to and returns the next [SYTrajectoryPoint]. Returns null if the end of the Trajectory has been reached.

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