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interface AudioBetterRouteListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio information about better route.
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interface AudioIncidentListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio notification about incident.
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interface AudioInstructionListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides navigation audio instructions.
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interface AudioRailwayCrossingListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio notification about railway crossing .
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interface AudioSharpCurveListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio notification about sharp curve.
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interface AudioSpeedLimitListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio notification about speed limit.
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interface AudioTrafficListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio notification about traffic.
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interface AudioTrafficSignListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio warning about upcoming traffic signs on or in vicinity of projected trajectory
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interface AudioVehicleAidListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio warning about upcoming restriction on or in vicinity of projected trajectory
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interface AudioVehicleZoneListener : NavigationManager.AudioEventListener
Provides audio warning about current restriction on or in vicinity of projected trajectory
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interface JunctionPassedListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of passed junction related events.
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annotation class NotifType
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interface OnBatteryCapacityListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of battery capacity changes in kWh from NavigationManager.
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interface OnBetterRouteListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of data related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnDirectionListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of direction changed related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnHighwayExitListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of highway exit related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnIncidentListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of incident related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnLaneListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of lanes related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnPlaceListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of place on route info related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnRailwayCrossingListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of railway related events from NavigationManager.
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Provides callback of route changed related events from NavigationManager.
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Returns progress info about current navigation route.
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Provides callback of route recompute progress related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnSharpCurveListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of curve info related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnSignpostListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of navi sign changed related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnSpeedLimitListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of speed warning related events from NavigationManager.
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Provides callback of traffic related events from NavigationManager.
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interface OnTrafficSignListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of traffic sign feature related events.
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interface OnVehicleAidListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of Vehicle Aid feature related events.
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interface OnVehicleZoneListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of Zone feature related events.
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interface OnWaypointOutOfRangeListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of battery capacity needed to reach finish in kWh when finish is out of range from NavigationManager.
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interface OnWaypointPassListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of waypoint related events from NavigationManager.
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Returns all waypoints on current route
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annotation class RouteRecomputeStatus
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interface StreetChangedListener : NavigationManager.RouteEventNotificationListener
Provides callback of street changed realted events


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Add a OnBatteryCapacityListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to battery capacity changes.
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Add a OnBetterRouteListener to NavigationManager to subscribe for better route event(s).
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Add a OnDirectionListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to direction changed event(s).
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Add a OnHighwayExitListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to highway exit event(s).
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Add a OnIncidentListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to incident event(s).
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Add a OnLaneListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to lane event(s).
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Add a OnPlaceListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to nearby poi on route data event(s).
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Add a OnRouteChangedListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to route changed event(s).
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Add a OnSharpCurveListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to sharp curve event(s).
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Add a OnSignpostListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to navi sign event(s).
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Add a OnSpeedLimitListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to speed limit event(s).
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Add a OnTrafficChangedListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to traffic data event(s).
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Add a OnWaypointOutOfRangeListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to finish out of ev range notification.
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Add a OnWaypointPassListener to NavigationManager to subscribe to waypoint event(s).
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Returns route which was set calling setRouteForNavigation or was set after automatic recompute
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Returns StreetDetail containing information about next junction.
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Returns progress info about current navigation route.
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Remove a OnBatteryCapacityListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnBetterRouteListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnDirectionListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnHighwayExitListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnIncidentListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnLaneListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnPlaceListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnRailwayCrossingListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnRouteChangedListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnSharpCurveListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnSignpostListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnSpeedLimitListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnTrafficChangedListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Remove a OnWaypointPassListener previously added to NavigationManager.
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Replay last audio instruction.
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Sets the route for navigation.
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open fun setVehicleProfile(@NonNull vehicleProfile: VehicleProfile, @NonNull listener: SetVehicleProfileListener, @Nullable executor: Executor)
Sets Vehicle profile to be used by navigation.
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Stops the current navigation.