
Manages the playback of audio output from files or TTS


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annotation class AudioRoute
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annotation class PlayStatus
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Adds a PlayStatus listener
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Removes all output from the audio queue.
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open fun getAudioRoute(): Int
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open fun playOutput(audioOutput: AudioOutput)
Plays audio output.
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Redirect the PCM data output to PCMDataOutputCallback Setting callback to null will reset audio output to normal
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Redirect the TTS text to TTSOutputCallback Setting callback to null will reset audio output to normal
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open fun setAudioRoute(audioRoute: Int, @NonNull callback: AudioManager.OnSetAudioRouteCallback, @Nullable executor: Executor)
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open fun setHfpDelay(hfpDelay: Int)
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open fun setSilentStartDelay(silentDelayInMs: Int)
Adds a silent sound of specified length at the start of each played audio if there was no audio playing for at least that specified length.
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Skips the output at the front of the queue
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Stops playing the current output immediately and clears any queued output