
data class NetworkSettings @JvmOverloads constructor(var allowMetered: Boolean, var allowRoaming: Boolean, var allowedNetworkTypes: List<NetworkSettings.NetworkType>, var useSystemDefaults: Boolean = false) : Parcelable


Will be removed in next releases. Do corresponding network checks on application side, if you need to

Class containing information about network settings


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fun NetworkSettings(useSystemDefaults: Boolean)
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fun NetworkSettings(allowMetered: Boolean, allowRoaming: Boolean)
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fun NetworkSettings(allowMetered: Boolean, allowRoaming: Boolean, allowedNetworkTypes: List<NetworkSettings.NetworkType>, useSystemDefaults: Boolean = false)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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list of allowed network types (WiFi or Mobile network)

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true if metered networks are allowed, false otherwise

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true if using roaming network is allowed, false otherwise

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