
Represents values describing different transport modes, the mode of transportation a person will be using to travel a route (e.g. a car).


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abstract fun annotationType(): Class<out Annotation>
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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun toString(): String


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val Bus: Int = 3
A bus is set as the transport mode.
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val Camper: Int = 6
A camper is set as the transport mode.
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val Car: Int = 2
A car is set as the transport mode.
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A delivery truck is set as the transport mode.
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val GarbageTruck: Int = 7
A garbage truck is set as the transport mode.
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val Motorcycle: Int = 8
A motorcycle is set as the transport mode.
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val Pedestrian: Int = 1
Walking is set as the transport mode.
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A TransportTruck is set as the transport mode.
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val Unknown: Int = 0
Unknown transport mode.