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fun ChargingWaypoint(link: PlaceLink, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, status: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)
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fun ChargingWaypoint(chargingPower: Float, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, status: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)
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fun ChargingWaypoint(chargingTime: Int, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, status: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)
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fun ChargingWaypoint(link: PlaceLink, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)
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fun ChargingWaypoint(chargingPower: Float, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)
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fun ChargingWaypoint(chargingTime: Int, originalPosition: GeoCoordinates, type: Int, chargingType: ChargingWaypoint.ChargingWaypointType, payload: String? = null)



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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open fun getDelay(): Long

Returns the time spent at waypoint.

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Returns the waypoint's distance from the start position

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List of GeoCoordinatess which represets accessible positions of waypoint.

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Represents the suggested navigable position of the Waypoint - typically the coordinates on the road closest to the original position - to be used in a route calculation. Working together with the navigable position, the original position is used by the Sygic SDK for determining the side of street during arrival, and to let the calculated route approach the correct side of street, especially when there there is a physical or logical lane divider on the road. return GeoCoordinates of suggested navigable position

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Returns the original position for flag/pin. The original position is required for a route calculation.

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Returns custom name of the waypoint.

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Represents the selected position of the Waypoint - one of the access points of waypoint. This position is selected by SDK and represents best access point to waypoint - this may be also waypoint position itself in case selected road is accessible by selected vehicle type. return GeoCoordinates of suggested selected position

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open fun getStatus(): Int

Returns the waypoint Status.

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open fun getType(): Int

Returns the waypoint Type.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Determines whether way-point is compatible with supplemented EV profile

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If object after recreate from parcel contains all of reference like original object method return true. In other case return false.

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open fun setVehicleInfo(@Nullable vehicleInfo: Waypoint.VehicleInfo?)
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open override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)


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Alternative charging stations accessible from specific charging point on route

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val link: PlaceLink? = null

Link to place which represents the best charging station accessible from specific point on route