Enumerator |
OnDemonstrateSpeed | OnDemonstrateSpeed subID shows dialog which enables to set speed of demonstration.
OnDemonstrateSpeed subID calls the same function like clicking Set speed button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstrateRepeatOn | OnDemonstrateRepeatOn subID repeats demonstration after end of demonstration.
OnDemonstrateRepeatOn subID calls the same function like clicking Repeat demonstration button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstrateRepeatOff | OnDemonstrateRepeatOff subID doesn't repeat demonstration after end of demonstration.
OnDemonstrateRepeatOff subID calls the same function like clicking Stop demonstration button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstrateStop | OnDemonstrateStop subID stops demonstration.
OnDemonstrateStop subID calls the same function like clicking Stop button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstratePause | OnDemonstratePause subID pauses demonstration.
OnDemonstratePause subID calls the same function like clicking Pause button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstrateResume | OnDemonstrateResume subID resume demonstration.
OnDemonstrateResume subID calls the same function like clicking Resume button in Route demonstration menu.
OnDemonstrateStart | OnDemonstrateStart subID starts demonstration.
OnDemonstrateStart subID calls the same function like clicking Start button in Route demonstration menu.